Saturday 17 March 2012

Thank You Time for Successful Launch!

Congratulations to my wonderful fiance for the very successful launch of his new shop, 'Abode's Mortgage Centre' at 8 Church Street, Macclesfield.

The canapes from Livesey's Deli in Bollington
were just perfect. 
They looked beautiful and tasted even better!

Cherry Blossom Bakery, next door produced the very gorgeous cupcakes which looked fab - particularly with Mike's logo on the top. Well done girls!

Thank you to John Carney for taking the photographs - here's one your Dad took of you:

It was lovely to welcome friends and colleagues to share in our celebration.

Thank you so much to Art Graphics and Monkey Business for all their support in getting the shop ready.

Mike very kindly agreed to exhibit my mosaics in his shop.  It is usual for this to incur a commission fee on sales but Mike wouldn't DREAM of charging his fiancee a commission. Because of this, I can offer 25% of all artwork sales from The Mortgage Centre as a donation to the East Cheshire Hospice.  Originally it was going to be an opening offer but I would like to extend it as permanent one.

We were so happy to welcome new neighbours and to share a glass of Champagne.

Mike and members from the Macclesfield Chapter of BNI in celebration mode.

We were delighted that David Rutley MP agreed to officiate at the opening. He really helped make the morning a success. Thank you!

Just putting the last touches to the ceremonial ribbon. I did wonder if it was a little over the top but thought that some traditions were just too cliche to dismiss.

Ready for the camera...

...that's about the middle... for the camera....

Abode Mortgage Centre is now open for business!

Mike is happy to help you to identify the correct mortgage deal or insurance protection. He can also prepare your Will.

You can contact him at:

The Mortgage Centre
8 Church Street
SK11 6LB

01625 617 411

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