Wednesday 7 March 2012

Jackie - The Album and Broken Glass

It has been a wonderful morning! 
Janet, you were missed but we do wish you a lovely holiday.

Congratulations Georgina and thank you for the VERY naughty (but oh my goodness - they were gorgeous!) cream cakes to celebrate the safe arrival of your new granddaughter.

Despite the rain and grey of the morning, it seemed extremely sunny in the studio today.  We had a lot of laughs.

Our music of the day was 'Jackie, The Album' which set off a stream of reminiscence - Donny or David Cassidy, putting singles on repeat, over and over again...they were the days!

I am LOVING Georgina's latest idea for her children's cupboard in the bathroom.  

Sue's number plate for her house is gorgeous - the photo does not do it justice! 
Really looking forward to seeing this grouted next week.

 Well, it is a different soup every week and I was a little unsure of this one.  I enjoyed it and think it was one of my best - I just hope I can remember everything I put in it...

Serves 4

1/8th x red cabbage
1/2 x aubergine (slice and layer with salt to remove bitterness, for 10 minutes, then wash before use)
1/4 x onion
1/4 x medium sweet potato
1 x celery stick
1/4 x sweet red pepper
1/2 x tin butter beans, drained.
2 L x Hot vegetable or chicken stock (I used chicken AND vegetable stock)
1/2 x teaspoon garlic and chili flakes
1 x mug of passata
1 x teaspoon Herbs de Provence

Wash and chop finely all the vegetables. Place ALL ingredients in a slow cooker and cook on HIGH for  3 hours, partially liquidise then reduce to MEDIUM for 1 hour. 
Optional, add splash of semi skimmed milk.

Do let me know if you use my soup recipes and if you like them.


  1. I am running out of words to describe your soups Mrs! Scrumilicious fits todays soup i think, We havent had one bad soup they have all been so unique, and im sure with your artistic talent you will make many many more, and i shall look forward to sampling them. Thank you once again for a lovely morning great tunes and soooooo much laughter x

  2. Oh this one WAS fab - I thought it was one of my best. Yum. Glad you enjoyed it too! xx
