Sunday 3 July 2011

Park Lane School - Macclesfield FC Mosaic

What a FABULOUS time I had earlier this week with Class 6.

The panel this group are working on shows how proud Macc FC were to get to the Football Conference.    The design is similar to snakes and ladders as some supporters waved large blow up blue silkworms during some matches!  This snakes and ladders is a game with a difference, the silkworms take you UP the squares and the ladders take you DOWN!

There was LOTS of concentration and dedication happening in this session!

Unfortunately I was too busy joining in with the singing and dancing to the tunes on the CD to take photos of the REAL laughter we had...I only managed to get everyone working really hard!

As you can see, the group worked really hard in just a morning!
I'm looking forward to going back next week!

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