Friday 10 June 2011

Macclesfield FC Community Mosaic - Oakwood Panel

Doesn't look much at the moment but this will be the final panel of the mural. 

I am about to take it to the Oakwood team at Rossendale Hall.  Looking forward to this today. I visited a few weeks ago and was amazed at how lovely the place was!  

The staff are so committed and have worked wonders in the activity room. 

I love my job - I get to see people who wouldn't know what a 'jobsworth' hat was. Remember that programme with Esther Ranson?

It's been a full week and is going to be busier next week!  

Am also looking forward to picking my 200 mdf coasters up from the very accommodating S&M Supplies in Macclesfield. I'm so happy to finally find a supplier who will provide me with what I want, the way I want it, when I want it! Thumbs up Mike and the gang at S&M Supplies.

No wonder my back's bad - this trolley gets heavier and heavier! It's on it's last legs (or should that be wheels!) so I should start looking for a new one. Wonder if they come computerised with a lift action to get it in the car.....

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