Wednesday 25 May 2011

Nearly finished! Thank you St John's School, Bollington!

What a lovely day!  The East Cheshire Hospice
Mosaic is now finished - subject to grouting!

Some children from St John's in Bollington came with the very lovely Mrs Roberts.

We worked so hard in the 
studio all day. It was so hot!
We only stopped for a drink
and maybe some creative

The mosaic has had approximately 60 people work on it.

Many hands, do, of course, make light work!

The finished mosaic, it had to be photographed in two halves but I think everyone has done a wonderful job and I am so pleased with it! Cannot wait to grout it and present it to the hospice!

 On to the next one - the Macclesfield FC mosaic is starting at full speed, now. Ashgrove Primary School and Christ The King Primary school have both created some mosaicing for the football club project.

Am at Crossroads for carers tomorrow and The David Lewis Centre on Friday.

Thank you so much to Canalside Radio for supporting the project and S & M Supplies for providing the substrate for the mosaic and Adelphi Mill for providing the wood and support to cut the silhouettes.
Please see my website for a full list of supporters.

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