Friday 27 May 2011

Macclesfield Mosaic Project

Just got back from David Lewis House and had enough time to brew a coffee just before S & M Supplies delivered my wood. Why do I get so excited about plywood?

Anyway - I've had a lovely afternoon.  As we chatted about the football club and other teams, we started to talk about the film a few weeks ago about the Manchester United Munich Air Disaster. None of us could remember the name of the film which told the tale of the 'Busby Babes'. It was a brilliant film and had me crying my eyes out!  We also couldn't remember the name of the footballer that was in the crash who survived and went on to score many goals for United.
 Then Chris came into the room and whispered to me 'Wasn't it the Charltons?'

'Yes!' it was, thanks Chris!

Then Bruce mentioned that he had a photograph of him and Bobbly Charlton so we asked him to bring it in. 

'It's in my bag - I'll get it out' he said. 

He did, too, and promptly pulled out a lovely picture of him and Bobby Charlton taken a few short years ago.  

None of us can remember the other brother, though.

The thing about mosaicing, is that you can put the world to rights around a table.

Thanks for having me guys!


  1. It was Jack Charlton.

    Fab pictures Debbie. Looks like a lot of fun - look forward to following your progress.

    Val x

  2. That's right - Jack Charlton! Couldn't remember. Thanks Val

