Saturday 23 April 2011

British mills

This is an interesting video on YOUTUBE

 This was such a sad video to watch.  When you think of all the mills in Britain which produced so much textiles.  It is sad to see mills lay empty and derelict.  

Happily, many are transformed into stylish apartments or
offices.  I feel humbled, as I sit in my very nicely modernised studio space, in Adelphi Mill. 
We have it so easy these days. No longer are toddlers sent under working machines, risking fingers or worse, to collect stray bobbins. 

Many mills in Britain are a hive of industry in a different way. 
And that is to be applauded. There is a real buzz where I am.  
You can almost feel the history when you walk into the place and it kind of inspires you.

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