Monday 21 March 2011

Community Painting for The Bridgend Centre, finished!

Good Monday Afternoon, all!

It was going to be good Monday morning but the internet went down this morning. Never mind,
It's amazing what you can get done when you cannot look at your emails...

Well, I came in over the weekend to finish the canvas to be donated to The Bridgend Centre, Bollington.

I felt a simple image was the order of the day as I wanted to get participants who had never put brush to canvas before. As I can see White Nancy from the studio window, it would have been rude not to have painted her!

Thank you to Ruth, Maria, Charli, Scott, Graham, Kathryn, David and Sue for contributing to the painting. It was a pretty large canvas so it could not be completed on the day so I added some finishing touches and all in all I think they did a pretty good job!

I now have to complete the East Cheshire Hospice Mosaic but need some volunteers - who wants to come and help?

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